Spam and Cover Copy - the Winner!

All right, I’m a day late and definitely short (although I think I may be taller than Candy) but I do have teh winnehr of our Spam and Cover Copy contest – we had a great number of votes so my thanks to everyone who escaped the quiet days of work or the frenzy of a houseful of guests to read our entries.

And the winner of the Spam and Cover Copy contest is: Shari, for Entry #7, aka “the Werecod” entry. Y’all can’t resist the fishy desire of werecod Luuuuuuurve®. As one of our voters said, “All I have to do is picture the word “werecod” and I’m giggling like an idiot.” Indeed – I read that one aloud to Hubby and he almost broke something laughing.

Our runners up, because it is always nice to know what your responsibilities may be if the werecod cannot complete its term for whatever reasons, were Entry #13, for crank calls about Brad Pitt’s wienie in the form of a cover copy letter from the heroine, Entry #12’s Sofia and the Marquis de Sade time traveling to hedonism, and Entry #3 with tranny demon luuuuurve®.

So congrats to Shari, and see you in 2006 with more Smart Bitch Contests!

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  1. Shari says:

    I’m so glad you all had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! My momma’s gonna be so proud that I’m finally a Smart Bitch…

  2. DebR says:

    Congrats, Shari.  I loved your entry! 🙂

  3. Amanda says:

    Congratulations all~ 🙂

  4. Vixen says:

    Go Shari! I am glad the site finally came up for me. When I got your email saying you won this, I didn’t know it existed, now I will be here all the time and looking for more things from you. -grins- All this time I thought camping coffee was your forte

    -bats her baby greens-

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