Poldark 2.09

Poldark Season 2It’s the season finale, y’all! We made it!

Morning, on the cliffs. D, in a dark blue dress picks flowers. She still has her resting murderface.

In the mine, the miners mine, and Ross counts out coin, and Zacky takes his pay. A mine that actually yields money! “Not just coin. Riches!” Ross says. (See, this is why reopening Grace wasn’t a terrible decision on his part – staying in the boat building thing would have gotten him money, but not any of the workers that depended on him. This way, the miners and Henshawe all get income, which is good for the world, basically.) The gamble paid off.

Henshawe comes in and announces that there are soldiers in the village looking for men to enlist. Zacky sighs that they all thought war couldn’t touch them there. Ross looks pensive.

Geoffy-Chuck plays with his toy soldiers while Elizabeth looks on, and remarks that he plays beautifully by himself. George says that it’s a lonely thing, being an only child, and before Elizabeth can follow up on that, she sees the footmen removing the portrait of Francis, and she’s like, “Wait, G-C will miss it!” and George is like no no, we’ll get a better portrait of us both painted by a celebrated artist (not, you know, someone as great as Copley, but whatevs, Georgie.)


Three of the miners come traipsing down the path between Nampara and Trenwith, and are confounded by a fence being built. Tankard’s red-headed muscle, holding a musket, tells them that they are no longer allowed there. They demand to know since when, and he smugly replies that it’s been since Warleggan became the master. Cool, cool, cool cool cool. They tell them that he can’t do that, since it’s open land, and one of them climbs the fence, and gets the butt of the musket in his face, and is informed that Mr. Warleggan will have them hanged if they try. George and Tankard are in the background, lurking. Tankard, finally, is concerned about George’s forcefulness and asks if this is wise. George says that a man who owns land is entitled to enclose it, and Tankard’s like, yeah, but using force needlessly is a bad idea. “Are you becoming squeamish?” “I merely question the wisdom of provoking one’s neighbors. Great or small.”

Ross is in the library at Nampara, and hears Demelza come in. He calls her over, and asks her to hold out her hand. She slowly comes in and does so. He tells her to cast her mind back a twelvemonth, and drops a pile of coins in her hand. She merely looks at him, and he’s like, surely you don’t want things to be like that again? Look! Money! She dumps the coins back into his hand. “Would I not, Ross?” And walks away.

Enys is in with Ray Penvenen, checking his pulse. “Drink?” “Regularly.” “Wine?” “Canary.” Appetite?” “Voracious.” Enys glances at him appraisingly. “Urine?” “Unusually sweet, so Dr. Choke informs me.” Well, it’s the diabeetus.


Choke had diagnosed Ray with a bunch of things, including a wasting fever and tuberculosis. But it’s the diabeetus! Enys agrees with me that Choke is wrong and that yes, it IS the diabeetus. I told you. Ray: What do i do? Well, you give up most of the things you eat and drink, especially the wine. Ray asks if that will cure him, and Enys is like, nah, man. It’ll prolong your life a bit maybe. Ray: “Will my life be worth living, then?” Welp. Ray also summons up his courage and tells Enys that they did not part as friends, and he is grateful for Enys for even coming at all. But also he feels it’s only fair to say that Caroline will shortly be engaged to a Lord Consiton, eldest son of Earl Windemere. Enys, not looking at Ray, offers his congrats, controls his face, and bids Ray a good day. Outside, he works very, very hard at not crying, and stares at the sunset. He’s come to a decision.


That decision is enlisting in the Navy. The recruiters ask if he really knows what he’s in for, and he’s like, in for the duration of what you all say will be a long and bloody war, not coming home for years? Yeah, I’m sold. “Where do I sign?” They put the enlistment papers in front of him, and he signs without hesitation.

George is writing too, and we get a delightful “Your Obedient Servant” montage of George writing to Ross demanding to know details on certain transactions having to do with Francis’s estate. Ross writes back that George isn’t a trustee of the estate, so George can go fuck himself (paraphrase). George writes backs that since he and Elizabeth are married and all, Geroge is just trying to take some of the burden off of her, but Ross could come by Trenwith and meet Elizabeth in person.

Ross is like FINE and rides to Trenwith, where the halls have been decked out in the Warleggan crest and banners. Elizabeth lurks in the gallery, and it’s George who meets with Ross. Ross says that he won’t talk about this issue with anyone but Elizabeth and George is like AHA I HAVE A POWER OF ATTORNEY BITCH. Ross reads it, and George is like SHE REQUESTED IT BECAUSE SHE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.

Anyway, the thing George wants to know about is the transaction where she sold the half-share of Wheal Grace. He doesn’t think it was legal. Ross assures them that it was, and then comes clean that he was the one who bought it in order to help her with her financial squeeze. (Elizabeth listens in from the hall). Ross explains, patiently, that he bought a share in a failing mine, and that anyone else would have given her MAYBE ten pounds for it. George is like, yeah, failing then, but NOW it’s worth a lot more money so maybe you should give it back. Elizabeth doesn’t look comfortable with the way this is turning out, and Ross is like, ah, yes, you would then have a half share control of my mine. “We kept her going through winter, and with our bare hands we came back after a catastrophic loss.” It’s Ross’ and his people’s, not Elizabeth’s, and not George’s. George turns up his nose even higher and tells Ross this looks real bad for him. “A man who cheats his young ward.”

Ross gets very still and reminds George that he’s offered no violence. George says he wouldn’t dare lay a finger on him. Ross, dangerously quiet: “Because you have your army of servants to protect you?” George can’t say yes, but he means yes. “Go back to your scullery maid.” There’s a long pause while Ross’ eyes glitter, and then HE FUCKING CLOCKS GEORGE IN HIS SMUG FUCKING FACE.

Pardon me while I pump my fist in the air and wish that I could have done that. Anyway, they fight, and break up the room. Tankard waits for a second, probably to see if he’s gonna need a new job, but really it’s because he saw that George’s “fight training” doesn’t have any real-world applications and George was about to lose by getting his face shoved in the FIRE which YES PLEASE I WANT THAT and then two of the footmen run in and pull Ross off of George. George yells for Ross to be thrown out of the house, and Ross yells back that it’s Geoffy-Chuck’s house.

At Nampara, Enys checks on Jeremy, who has a bit of cough. It’s no biggie, and Jeremy runs off to see Prudie, while D asks if Enys will hang around until Ross gets home. Enys says that he will, and that he’s got news – he’s applied to the Navy and will be leaving quite soon. He says he needs more experience, and he’s had news of Caro. D can read a face as well as anyone, and surmises that Caro is to be married and she is sorry. Enys says that he’s not. It never would have worked; they’re too dissimilar. Before D can tell him all the ways he is wrong, Ross walks in with his bloody face. D asks what happened, and Ross does not proudly proclaim that he beat the shit out of George.

George is treating his face with Elizabeth, and saying, “It’s just a scratch, you should see the other guy.” Elizabeth takes the handkerchief and starts cleaning him up.


Up in her (yes, her) bedchamber, D remarks that she can’t quite believe that Enys is actually leaving, And Ross is like, maybe I should go. “Why? Because your dearest friend is running away, and so must you?” Ross says that he’s a soldier, and maybe his regiment needs him. But the thought of leaving her and Jeremy – “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve considered such a thing. How was Elizabeth?” Ross admits that she’s avoiding him. D snorts that he’s avoiding HER, and Ross is like “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO.” D just wants him to be honest, with everyone. Ross claims he’s been MADE of honesty! “Go to war, Ross. Play soldiers. Or stay home and save all of Cornwall. What it is to be married to such a great man.” Ross looks agape for a beat, then goes down to the library and opens the trunk that has his soldier’s uniform in it.

In Truro, Ross walks with conviction to Pascoe. Pascoe is surprised that Ross would consider re-enlisting when the mine is actually, what’s the word, functional. Well, Ross, says, that’s why he’d consider going now, it can function without him. But he’s got to settle his affairs first, starting with George and his contesting of the sale of Francis’ share in Wheal Grace. Pascoe: That was fucking legal, what’s his problem? But Pascoe does know that George, like certain other ego maniacs we know, has the money for a lawsuit and would be happy to drag that shit out. “What’s his purpose?” Ross: To fuck with me, especially now that shit’s going my way.

Also, Ross wants to repay his mystery benefactor. What’s his name? Pascoe smugly says he didn’t use pronouns. Back home, D is surprised to hear that Caro was the benefactor, and Ross is still shocked by it. D mutters that maybe Caro took a fancy to Ross. “I’m a married man!” D: Mmmmhmmmm. Ross protests that it was one night, and how long will it take D to forgive him. “I don’t know, Ross. How long would it take you to forgive me?” Ross: Not the same, you would never.

D, cocks her head and looks at him directly. “Are you sure?” Ross finally looks at her and realizes that she’s not just saying, she’s SAYING. “When?” D tells him that McNeil came to her room after the ball. “HE WOULDN’T DARE WHY” “Because I invited him.” Turnabout was fair play, after all. Ross wants to know how far it went, and D tells him kisses and caresses, and then she sent him away (but not before he whined about his blue fucking balls, good god SO WHINEY). Ross jumps up and declares that he does NOT admire D for this. “It does you no credit! Nor me either.” D: What credit did you fucking Elizabeth give us? “THAT WAS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. I TAKE NO PRIDE IN MY VISIT TO HER.” I…what? See, it was because of a frustrated devotion of ten years or whatever, it was TOTALLY not like fucking some rando soldier (Who was his friend? Jesus, Ross) taking whatever was on offer. D: He did not take, because I did not permit. Ross: How do I know that? D: How do you not? “If you trust me not, and I trust you not, then what is the point of the marriage at all?” “I entirely agree. What is the point?”

Ross flounces to the library and unpacks his uniform. He hears Jud and D leaving and pouts.

Demelza has gone to Trumouth, where a SUPER pregnant Verity is, and without Andrew (on a voyage, or chasing down murders in Wales, whichever) she has Esther for company. Esther has adjusted to her new family quite nicely, so that’s good.

Enys comes into Nampara, and Ross has put on his uniform. “You surely don’t intend…” “Am I not a soldier?” Enys is all, bro, you have a family? What even is all this? What does D say? “Does she even know?” Ross says that D will know soon enough, whenever she returns. Ross tells Enys that Caro was the mysterious benefactor. “Why would she – I can only apologize if I spoke too freely.” Ross says no apology is necessary, between both Enys and Caro, they saved him. Enys shuffles his feet about, and tells Ross that his posting has come through. The HMS Travail, and he leaves for Plymouth the next day. Ross: “Godspeed.” They shake hands.

Esther plays with Jeremy, and Verity is so happy that she’s settled and gotten used to her. Verity is just blooming and she deserves the best life. Verity asks how Ross is, and D waits for a long minute before answering. “At war with himself. And the idea of George at Trenwith.” Verity also has issues with the idea of a Warleggan in her family home, but Elizabeth made her choice. Verity doubles over a bit, gasping, and D looks concerned. “It’s nothing. A slight cramp. It’s been happening since last night.” D smiles and is like, um, sweetie? It’s not nothing. Verity grins.

Ross is in a coach, headed east, to London. He goes into a lovely townhouse, where he is taken to see…Caro! She’s happy to see him.

Verity has a tiny baby! It’s a boy. If I recall correctly, he is named Andrew.


Elizabeth has told George something that makes him the happiest man on earth (come on show, we all know that means she’s knocked up).

Caro asks Ross what brings him to London, and it’s a need to see justice done. He has money, and he tells her that she stands accused of saving three people from the worst fate bankruptcy can bring. Her sentence is to bear the brunt of his eternal gratitude, and also to be repaid in full. “So instead of thanking me, you should be congratulating me on my shrewd business sense.” He says that he hears other congrats are in order, and she’s like, well, he HAS proposed multiple times, but I have not accepted. Ross: Why’s that now? “The usual capriciousness of my sex.” “And you do not love him.” “…as you say, I do not love him?” Ross is like, yeah, you still love Dwight Enys. Caro doesn’t answer, and Ross tells her that Enys has been a basket case since Caro left him and also that Enys joined the Navy.

Enys has arrived in Plymouth, in his Navy blues. Caro asks Ross why he’s there, anyway? Ross wants to know why she left Cornwall, after Enys explained to her what happened the night they were planning on eloping. Caro’s like, oh please, he was skulking around like he was doing something terrible and shameful. Ross asks if they couldn’t have just gone back to Cornwall and defied Ray? Caro: Live in cottage, eat sprats? Have you met me? She thought maybe she was asking too much of Dwight, but really she was asking too much of her own self. “So your love could not surmount the obstacles?” “In effect, it could not.” “Why do I not believe you?”

D is packing her trunk, and Verity watches. “What has he done?” D doesn’t answer, and Verity asks if it’s the thing itself, or something more? D starts to say it was just the thing, but then amends her answer – it’s his refusal to stand for the consequences and the whole “running away” thing. Verity’s like, uh…isn’t that what you’re doing? Right now? D, after a pause, asks what Verity would have her do? Verity can’t answer that, she doesn’t even know what this is about, but sometimes the heart demands something which makes no damn sense, but must be followed.

Jud comes into Nampara, carrying Jeremy, and asks Prudie if she missed him. “Miss ‘ee, you black worm?” She did. Jud hands her the kiddo, and she asks where D is. D had them dropped off at the crossroads, and she’s going somewhere that “won’t do her any good.”

It’s Trenwith, of course. D clambers over the new fence.

In the pub in Plymouth where Enys is meeting his new shipmates, Ross enters. He’s meeting his colonel, but thought he’d look up Enys, and because they are boys, they go order food.

In the Trenwith woods, Elizabeth meets D. “Does Ross know you’re here?” “Is Ross my keeper?” D tells E that she thought she was coming to tell E that she (D) hated her. She broke her faith and her marriage, and that she envies E in the passion that she roused that Ross couldn’t resist. “That I pity you, because you could never make up your mind?” Then D thought what does it matter? What E did and what Ross did can’t be undone so fuck it all. Elizabeth asks what D plans to do, and D sighs. Take her kid and go to her father’s house. “You would leave Ross?” “I will no longer be ruled by what he did. You’re welcome to him.” D turns back the way she came.



Back in Plymouth, Enys asks after D, and Ross is like, I dunno, I was in London. Enys: Why? Ross: I went to thank Caroline for the loan. (Can we just take a moment here to say that Enys looks HOT AS FUCK in his blues? Because he does.) Also Ross says, diffidently, that he was going to congratulate her on the whole engagement thing “which I was unable to do since I found out there’s no such event.” Enys: What. Ross: Also mentioned her uncle wasn’t well, so she’s going to visit him. Enys: What. Ross: Yep. Enys: Where is she? Ross: Just behind you. The pub has gone silence and Caroline is there, a vision in seafoam green.


D clambers back over the fence, and a gunshot rings out, hitting the fence just below D’s hand. She falls over the fence and there’s a scrape on her wrist. She gets up and looks around, and it’s the red-headed muscle with his musket. She hollers at him for firing that thing without checking to see if there were people about, and that he might have killed her. “Orders, missus. Shoot all folk who are strayin’.” He aims to gun AT her and tells her to be off. She does.

Back in the pub, Ross has Caro and Enys sitting across from each other and says that he doesn’t meddle lightly, since that’s Demelza’s way. “And often I’ve chided her for it, but lately I’ve come around to her way of thinking. She would say that if two people love each other, then the obstacles which keep them apart must be substantial, else they lack the courage of their convictions. I think she would also say that life holds very few things which are genuinely worth having. And if you posses them, then nothing else matters. And if you don’t posses them, then everything else is worthless.”

Caro: “To gamble on the unknown.” Enys: Is not all life a gamble? Must the gambler always come off worst? I suspect that those who suffer most are the ones who ignore their heart’s desires. And spend the rest of their lives regretting it.” Ross is actually hearing this, and for the first time is like, what a second, maybe I fucked up? I should go and do… something…? Also maybe these two want privacy. (Nah, he didn’t think that. That is not a thought about him.)

Caro: “Now no doubt you hate me.” Enys grins and ducks his head. “And now no doubt I hate you.” They kiss (I’m distracted by her jacket? What’s going on there?)


Ross is back in his uniform, and is presented with his enlistment papers. He holds the quill above them, and thinks really hard.

Jud and Prudie are in the kitchen complaining about things when D walks in with her bloodied hand. They ask what happened and D’s like, nothing, it’s a scratch, that red-headed muscle asshole shot at me. Prudie: On Warleggan’s orders. Jud: “I”ll give him orders!” D reins him in and tells him that she wants him to say nothing to anyone, especially Ross. There isn’t to be anymore feuding.

Back in Plymouth, Enys has made a ring out of string and slipped it on Caro’s finger. He reminds her that this changes not a damn thing, and she’s like, no, dork, this changes all the things. “Caroline, I’m going to war. It would be foolish to pretend there’s no risk.” Caro doesn’t want him to speak of such things, and he’s like, no, “you must know what you’re putting your name to.” “I am putting my name aside and taking that of the man that I love.” She asks how long they have, and he tells her that he’s sailing on the morning tide. “So these are our last few hours?” “They are?” “Where is your room?” He stands and holds out his hand, and grinning, she takes it. FADE TO FUCKING BLACK.


Jud has not followed D’s instructions. He has gone to the pub and told like, EVERYONE. (Kicker of his list of grievances being that George has gone and shot the mistress, and since everyone who is right minded loves D, this is not to be born.) “Who’s with me?” Everyone is. They all run out for their torches and pitchforks.

D asks Prudie why she let Jud go, and Prudie’s like, let him? I fucking TOLD him. He starves people and is generally terrible and then HE SHOT AT YOU. “’Tis not to be born.” D runs out, asking, “Oh Prudie. What have you done?” A season finale climax, that’s what.

The mob, with pitchforks and torches, swarms up the road. They have shovels, too.

George and Elizabeth are eating, and George is like, we’ll settle in town when D comes in, and George slowly stands up to ask what she wants. Like he knows she can kill him with her pinky and his foot thugs won’t care. “To tell you to bar your doors. There’s unrest in the village and they may march on Trenwith.” George: Bullshit. D: I hate all y’all and would leave you to your devices except I don’t want Geoffy-Chuck or Aggie to get caught up. George: It’s against the law to trespass and shit, and I see that they hang. Me: THE FRENCH REVOLUTION WAS LIKE TWO YEARS AGO GOD YOU ARE DUMB. D: Holy shit you’re dumb. They’ll string you up. Elizabeth: “Is that a threat?” D: For fuck’s sake.

Elizabeth asks if Ross sent D, and George is like nah, he’s on his way to France right now. D and E, “What?” George’s spies informed him that Ross is rejoining his regiment and surely he told D about that? “But perhaps, having tasted defeat at home, he’s gone to vent his rage on a different enemy?” D: Defeat? G: “As you can see, his foe is in possession of the field.” George has Ross’ ancestral home, the woman he loves and “…in March, the rout will be complete with the arrival of a Warleggan heir.” D eyes Elizabeth for a second, then turns her murderface on George, who looks forward to Ross’ congratulations, should he actually return. He tells D to go back to her scullery. D smirks. “Maybe you should go barricade yourself in yours. To keep from getting lynched.” She nods at the window, and Elizabeth turns and see, and stands up- it’s a great little moment from her. The villagers are at the gate, pitchforks and torches h eld high. George calls for his thugs and D’s like, I’m out, they won’t hurt me.

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Jud has them set the fence of fire. D begs the men to not do anything dumb, because there are women and children inside. One yells back the Warleggan has no care for their women and children, why should they give a rat’s ass about his? D tells them that they have weapons, and Jud holds up his pickaxe. “SO DO WE.”

Elizabeth is scared shitless, and Aggie’s like, well this was kind of inevitable. George and his thugs are out the front door (there’s only four of them) and George says they have firearms and won’t hesitate to use them. I mean, he’s hesitating now… D tries again, asking George why he would treat his neighbors like this. George: They are threatening my family and must pay the consequences. Before anything can go any further, a shot rings out.

It’s Ross, who fired into the sky and rides through the crowd. He and George aim their pistols at each other. Ross eventually aims his pistol up, and George smirks. George asks Ross if he decided he wasn’t brave enough for the battlefields of France, and Ross is like nah, brah, I heard there was a battlefield closer to home. George demands to know what side Ross is on, the civilized world, or the revolution? “On the side that stands for humanity. Which would seem to preclude yours.” George asks if that means Ross means to incite a riot, which would be his speciality. “These people need no inciting.” And that the mob would happily tear George limb from limb, and for good cause too. But they’d pay for it (“WE DON’T CARE,” shout the mob). Ross tells them that they have homes and wives and families that depend on them, and they should go and not give George cause to have them hanged. “Go home.” Jud looks at D, and then with a jerk of his head sends everyone off.

George asks Ross if he’s not going with his comrades. “Have a care, George. Do you really want to provoke me? I could easily call them back in an instant. At any time.” George asks if this is really what Ross came back for? Ross looks at D. “No.” Elizabeth looks angry and hurt all at once, as D mounts Seamus in front of Ross and they ride off, without a look back. George lets his facade falter for just a bit, so he has the expression of a man who just realized he needs to change his pants.

Ray is in front of his fire when Caro walks in. He’s surprised to see her. She tells him that she’s there to take care of him, and asks for Enys’ instructions. They are written out, and there are a lot of them. He admits that perhaps he misjudged Enys, but Caro of course does not think on him, naturally. She hugs him, and says that she wastes no thoughts on Enys at all, looking at her ring.

Elizabeth and George sit in front of the fire, with Geoffy-Chuck sacked out basically on Elizabeth’s feet. George says that of COURSE they were in no real danger (lie) and Ross just intended to scare them (lie) and in the end Ross was forced to back down (super lie). Elizabeth does not answer, but strokes G-C’s head. George says that he thinks that Harrow would be the right school for little Geoffy-Chuck to go to. Since he’s had his mama all to himself and now he must be toughened up. “You would send him away?” Well, to one of the best schools in the country. Now he must learn to be a man. Ugh.

Nampara, in the rain, Ross is fuming about George being in full possession “Of everything you hold dear?” Well, not everything. D tells him that he’ll get over it. She walks out of the kitchen, and he follows to see her trunks in the foyer. In the library, she’s packing a bag, and he asks what’s up. She’s taking Jeremy, and going to her father’s house, and from there? Who knows.


Ross: You’re… leaving me? I chose not to go to war for you. D: Why would I stay when you’re just sad I’m not someone else? R: But…like…you’re my wife? D: Raised from the gutter to be a great lady. I’ll never be such a one. But what do I care. For I am fierce and proud and steadfast and true. And I will never be second best. Ross: Why would you be? D: BECAUSE YOU STILL LOVE ELIZABETH YOU IDIOT. And you are SUPER mad that George has her now. Do you deny it? Ross: I do not deny that I loved her. Long before I set eyes on you, she was my first, perfect, untouchable love. D: And I am imperfect and ordinary. R: Imperfect, yes, but never ordinary! Human. Real. What that night with Elizabeth taught me – god knows there were other ways to come to my senses – but my idiocy was spectacular. And that if you take the perfect love and bring it down to the level of the imperfect one, it is not the imperfect one that suffers. And that D is the one he loves and will always love, and Elizabeth will never come between them again.

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I hesitate to note that the words “I’m sorry” are not in there.

Elizabeth is crying, stroking the sleeping Geoffy-Chuck’s hair, when Aggie comes in, asking Elizabeth precisely what she expected, making a deal with the devil like that? The thunder rolls. Elizabeth says that she hopes that George will be “more accommodating” when the baby is born. Aggie’s like, yeah he might be. You willing to wait that long? “March is not so far away.” “Unless it comes sooner.” “Why should it?” Aggie merely looks at her, and Elizabeth looks into the fire with horror. Come on, it’s only what, a month at most? You can pass off a baby as premature, George won’t know.

On the cliffs, D looks at ships. I think it’s supposed to be implied these are ships sailing to France, but Nampara, according to the maps drawn by one Winston Graham- WHO WOULD KNOW – is on the north coast of Wales which faces Ireland, so….you know what I should stop getting salty about geography (don’t worry, I can’t stop won’t stop). Anyway, D is on the cliff, and Ross is with her. She looks at him, face softening from the murder face of the past several episodes, and he touches his forehead to hers. They kiss, for the first time in quite a while, and he looks like he might FINALLY have some idea of what a treasure he has in her.


Okay, so if you, like many others, are annoyed at the Carolight Fade To Black, here is a little fic to stoke the Carolight flame, as it were. I did not write it, I just found it (really, I didn’t write it, I write Vendrew stuff that hasn’t been posted so don’t ask for it). LONG LIVE CAROLIGHT.

Anyway, WE MADE IT. This was a rough season, but hey, it is a melodrama. And maybe Ross can stop being so…you know…ROSS. I honestly don’t know what happens next, I haven’t read book five yet.  But I think Demelza has discovered some things about herself and does not define herself purely by the virtue of being Ross’ wife.

So that brings us to the end of Poldark, season 2. They are filming season 3 right now (still open for a set visit, PBS/BBC. Just saying). If you need something to scratch your costume drama itch, PBS beings airing Victoria, about Queen Victoria, on Jan 15th.

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  1. DonnaMarie says:

    Poor Enys. The very definition of act in haste, repent in leisure. Signs on for years of life at sea full of blood and cannon fire. I hope that one night was realllllllly.

    May be that is this season’s theme. Everyone seems to act in haste with no thought to consequences. Demelza came to her senses in time, but it could have gone very badly. I think George is coming into a world of repent at leisure, while Elizabeth is starting to feel the sting (Can we just fast forward 15-20 years to GC throwing George’s portrait on the fire while the servants toss him out on his ass?). Ross’s whole life seems like it should be repent at leisure, but he never really seems repentant, does he?

  2. kay says:

    Good observation about Ross not apologizing. That is consistent with his character. I’m glad he and D are good again though. It looked iffy there for a while.

  3. denise says:

    Can’t wait for the next season.

  4. DonnaMarie says:

    It’s official, my dream to stand on the cliffs looking broodingly out to sea while the wind whips my skirts about me could become reality! The tour company that arranged my Outlander trip is organizing a Poldark tour. Oh the financial ruin I’m about to visit upon myself.

  5. Amanda Lee says:

    The best part of that Caroline/Enys fanfic, other than that it’s awesome?

    It was written by Tessa Dare. 😀

  6. sandra says:

    It occurs to me that maybe that night with Elizabeth taught Ross that she’s just not very good in bed. As Paul Newman put it, “Why chase hamburger when you’ve got steak at home?”

  7. sandra says:

    The question for Season 3 is “Can Ross overcome his many faults to become the husband Demelza deserves?” One thing that he has to do is start acting as if Elizabeth is Just Somebody That he Used To Know: no more mooning over her, no more saying how wonderful and perfect she is, no more going running to her side if she crooks a finger…

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