Help A Bitch Out

HaBO: This Hero Sounds like A Giant Piece of DooDoo

Libby is looking for a book that she's been searching for, and honestly, I was skeptical it was a romance. Libby swears it is. Read on, and experience douchebag hero! 

I read it ages and ages ago, when I was wee and young (possibly somewhere in those muddled and traumatic teenage years). It was a historical romance set in Russia, I think, with a hero who is deliciously hot, but suffers from ennui. Like, chronically. I remember that he either was married or gets married, and makes it a habit to go gallivanting around Russia having affairs while his wife is left at ye olde homestead to pine for him.

At some point she gets pregnant and he is either wildly turned on or can't give a damn. I don't remember. But I do remember that there may have been a dubious sort of ending in which he promises to TRY not to wander, cheat, and ignore her, but no guarantees because he gets majorly bored and NOTHING helps.

I *said* it was a dubious ending, and my memory is all swiss cheese.

I came across the Lisa Kleypas's Prince of Dreams, but I don't *think* that's the one. I'm not sure. So, hoping you or the other gals who swing by the site could help out.

Thanks so much in advance.

I read this and wrote back, “WOW. Are you sure this was a romance? This hero sounds like a real piece of doodoo!” And Libby replied, “LOL! I remember being very conflicted by the ending, disappointed even. And I definitely remember the bodice ripper cover.”

Oh, Lordy. I bet it was fuchsia. Anyone recall this book? And does the wife kick him in the ennui at some point?


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