Friday Videos Still like Carmina Burana

From Elizabeth S. a flash mob in what I'm told might be a German airport. Man, if you tried to pull that off at Newark or JFK, I'm not sure if TSA would tackle the kettle drummer or ignore the whole thing. 


I hope your weekend features confetti guns and wandering sopranos! 


Friday Videos

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  1. Daisy says:

    My guess is Vienna’s Westbahnhof (train station), since OBB is Austrian railways.  Wunderschoen!

  2. katherinelynn_04 says:

    Fantastic! I love how the lower register singers were walking around looking confused as everyone else until their parts came in. I was a wee bit confused when I saw them start.

  3. Blodeuedd says:

    wow awesome flashmob

  4. Marirra says:

    The writing is in German but it says in the beginning that it was shot at the west trainstaition in vienna. Lovely video!

  5. GhengisMom says:

    Flashmobs always make me cry.

  6. Lynnd says:

    Why does this never happen when I’m in a train station?  Thanks for sharing.  Wunderbar!

  7. Kati B says:

    This one is almost as good as the Do-A-Deer one in the German train station. 🙂 Awesome.

  8. Actually in Vienna, Austria. Train station West

  9. LauraN says:

    My life needs more confetti guns in it.

  10. Carrie Gwaltney says:

    We definitely need more spontaneous beauty like that! Wow.

  11. LG says:

    When the confetti bit happened, my reaction was “I do hope they’re planning on cleaning that up themselves and not expecting someone else to do it.” I guess I’m grouchy today.

  12. pisceschick says:

    That was just lovely.  Thanks, SBTB!

  13. SherriM says:

    I thought the same thing and then wondered if if that was why some of them were dressed and outfitted as part of the new cleaning crew. 🙂

  14. PamG says:

    Where’s the beer…mit schlag!

  15. garlicknitter says:

    Me too!  What is up with that?!

    Watching it again, I see that this group organized things with the train station.  Did you notice the sopranos are wearing mikes?  I think they’re on the PA system, which would have something to do with why it sounds so good.  The other something is, I noticed a lot of sweatshirts that I think say something about Volksopera (people’s opera?).

    I do particularly love the way it accumulates, with people drifting around the edges looking perfectly innocent, until it’s their turn to come in.

  16. Rebecca says:

    Actually, the (brilliant) Sound of Music one is in Antwerp (Belgium), not Germany.  I personally love the youtube video of the local opera in Valencia doing “Libiamo” from “La Traviata” in the market in Valencia…and handing out champagne and dancing with the bemused bystanders!  (Look for “opera en el mercado” on youtube.)

    As to reactions in New York…the original flash mob in Grand Central attracted attention there NOT by making noise but by being utterly silent and still.  About the only thing that WILL attract attention here.

  17. Rhea says:

    Fabulous! Thank you.

  18. Shawny Jean says:

    It’s the Vienna Volksoper. They are performing Carmina Burana tomorrow. Slick marketing for sure.

  19. librarygrrl64 says:

    I just love this video. Every time the confetti comes down, I start to cry. One of my favorite pieces of music. Bravo!

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