Self Publishing: The Catharsis Technique

Book CoverAnother reason to fear the ease of self-publishing? If you’re an author with a bit of a temper and an assistant in your basement, and you fire said assistant, said assistant might just up and write not one but possibly TWO books. And self publish them. It’s like the literary equivalent of telling the passengers off, pulling the inflatable slide and making your escape and resignation.

First, there’s Faulty Gratification: An Ineeda Halfbaked Vampire Humper Almost Story, which reviews on Amazon state is a not-terribly-well-written parody of Guilty Pleasures.

Then, there’s the memoir, The Diva Ate Her, by Anne Onymous, available both at Amazon and at Lulu.

I’ve received these links from a few different folks, some of whom allege the author in the memoir is Laurell K. Hamilton and that the publisher/author of the two books in question is the same person, LKH’s former assistant, who made sure that many of the details are very close for discomfort purposes. I tried to read “The Diva Ate Her,” and the editing and language is horrible: typos and sentence fragments, oh my! But at the same time, it’s over 275 pages long, so amid the typos must be some serious catharsis.

Self publishing hath no more willing participant than an assistant scorned.

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