Help A Bitch Out - SOLVED!

HaBO: Carrots!

You did it! We figured this one out! It is a truth universally acknowledged (by me for certain) that the Bitchery pretty much knows everything, and really, it's true. Scroll down to see the solution for this HaBO - and many thanks!

Hannah writes:

I’m looking for a book that I believe might have a rather generic title,
like “Rogue” or “Rake” or something broad like that. The hero and the
heroine are childhood pals, even though he’s 10 years older than her. She
has (you guessed it) red hair so he cleverly nicknames her carrot then gives
her golden carrot charm for her charm bracelet. Then, when he’s 18 and
she’s 8 or something like that, she gets mad at him for some reason, throws
the carrot charm at him and he keeps it on a gold chain around his neck for
the rest of his life.

I believe the heroine also has purple eyes and is French. At one point, she
and her grandmother let seven French aristocrats fleeing the Revolution stay
in their home, and they’re called the “Seven Deadly Cyns” for their
wicked and lascivious behaviour. The cover was quite camp, so I hope someone
can tell me the title!

I was pretty sure I’d be able to find this one using the power of Google, but alas, not. My GoogleFu came up with poo-diddly. But is it me, or does this sound like a pastiche of two books, the way my brain likes to combine Garth Brooks’ lyrics and old contemporary romances from the library?  Anyone recognize this book?


Help a Bitch Out

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  1. DONNA says:

    Thanks so much Shirley! I have been so frustrated waiting for Traed’s book & now I shall mourn its demise properly and move on. How terribly sad and awful for her. I shall be kinder and more sentimental about her books – although Rejar, solid A material from the cover to the last page – in the future.

  2. Renee says:

    THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I’ve been looking for this book on and off for years.  I never actually read it but it was the cause of an evening of merriment at a party based on the facial similarity of one of my very best friends and the cover model.  The poor guy had to put up with us calling him “lord sexton” for MONTHS.  Guess who’s getting a copy for xmas? *evil grin*

  3. FD says:

    Dammnit, I think the spam filter ate my comment.  Will try sans link.

    @ Mireya – I recently reread The Earl’s Dilemma by Emily May, which features a tall, redheaded, slender childhood friend with freckles. (The Earl in question is BFF with the heroine’s brother – who is also redheaded and freckly.)  Although it features the annoying marriage-required-to-inherit plot device, it’s well worth a read, even if it’s not the book you’re looking for.

    I have a soft spot for Tonight Or Never, just because it features pretty much every cliché going, but manages to be light-hearted and intentionally funny as well as accidentally funny.
    I feel kinda sorry for Dara Joy too, although that’s possibly only because I am not one of the people who got ripped off in any of her ill fated book-flogging drives.

  4. RebeccaJ says:

    OMG, you were not kidding about the cover being camp. Too bad it doesn’t show the red hair + violet eyes combo.

    I hate it when the characters described in the book look nothing like the people on the cover. And I hate that I keep checking the whole time I’m reading the book, as if they’re magically going to change:)

  5. Hydecat says:

    I’m a redhead, and I always wanted violet eyes. Guess I should find this book! However, I’m not sure why the guy on the cover linked above is punching his own kidney.

  6. Viorica says:

    actually my eldest son has black, riotous curls that cannot be contained and green eyes

    Your son is Harry Potter?

    (Count me as another Alanna fan. I still have all the books in that series.)

  7. Abby says:

    Okay, so I’m such a Late Lucy to this party, but OMG, I actually know this one!  It’s total Dara Joy’s Tonight or Never, and it has the distinction of being maybe one of the worst romance novels I have ever read, and a total rip off of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

    Intriguingly, the only Stephanie Laurens novel I’ve ever read features the Cynsters, and also vies for Worst Romance Novel I’ve Ever Read, on the grounds that the characters grimaced like every third paragraph.  Look it up, Ms Laurens, look it up!

  8. It’s total Dara Joy’s Tonight or Never, and it has the distinction of being maybe one of the worst romance novels I have ever read, and a total rip off of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

    Intriguingly, the only Stephanie

  9. Hannah says:

    Hey guys! Thanks so much for figuring it out for me!  Not only did you do me a huge favor by remembering the title, you also generously donated 48 hilarious comments!  Duke of Slut is solid gold, maestro.

  10. Hannah says:

    Also, interestingly enough, I read another review of this book and apparently 124 of the 394 pages are sex scenes! That’s 31%!

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