A Real Alpha Male

On this blog entry are two voicemail messages left by a guy who is apparently an absolute legend in his own mind. You can also download an MP3 of the voicemail duo of power right here.  (Right click please. Esosoft’s happy server thanks you).

Romance writers, take note. Hero material. Or, anti hero. Or something.

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  1. Jennifer G. says:

    Unbelievable!  I was actually interviewed for the Dimitri film last summer.  I saw this tall sexy Greek guy with film crew in tow on Yonge Street near Dundas Square.  They showed me some extremely offensive video footage of him spewing off and asked me to comment on camera.  It was so long ago that I totally forgot about it until I saw this thread.  Coincidentally, the sister of a friend of mine is dating Dimitri now and supposedly he’s the best she’s ever had, by far.  So he appears from limited anecdodatal evidence to live up to all the “lover” hype.  According to his web site, being bisexual, I qualify to attend “Toronto Real Men” meetings.  I might just go on September 9th for a laugh.  I’m sure that once he’s mega-famous, I won’t have that easy an opportunity to meet “the lover”.  LOL!!!

  2. Real Man says:

    Dimitri The Lover clips from YouTube:

    Intro I: 

    Intro II: 

    Metrosexuals I: 

    Metrosexuals II: 


    His Dream Woman: 

  3. Quizzabella says:

    A comment on one of Dmitri The Lover’s youtube videos:
    “This guy is nothing like (Fred) Phelps. He’s the chosen one, a prophet sent to save heterosexual men from a life of timid metrosexuality. I attend a Toronto Real Men meeting 3 months ago and met Dimitri in? person.”
    Is there a Toronto Real Women Against Asshattery movement?  If not then there really should be.

  4. shan says:

    hopefully this link wasnt already posted…look out ladies..put this one away!

  5. Real Man says:

    I disagree wholeheartedly.  Women want men to act in this arrogant fashion.  For example, this flyer Dimitri hands out to women that I posted a link to further up … http://pics.livejournal.com/suspiciouslump/pic/00001pse … deserves its own thread.  Dimitri actually pulled it out during a meeting and started bragging about how successful it had been,  He showed us emails on his laptop from women literally begging to be given a “second chance” after passing up the opportunity the first time around.  It just goes to show how being an aggressive, dominant man is the best way to seduce any woman.

  6. HesAnUnfunnyLoser says:

    Sorry to be so alarmist or overly dramatic, but after I forwarded the rather funny (I thought) voicemails to a friend, she sent me the following link.

    url=http://torontoist.com/2008/06/remember_dimitri_the_lover.php]this article[/url]

    This is not “cute” viral marketing. Apparently, this guy is a former doctor who lost his license after being convicted of sexually assaulting women patients. There seems to be some evidence that this guy is potentially violent, as well. Not exactly a funny guy, particularly as he’s set himself up as some kind of dating guru. I agree with the commenter who wants to evict this guy from the human race.

  7. Real Man says:

    The “Torontoist” has been badmouthing The Prophet for years.  The first sentence in the above article is totally alarmist, sensationalistic, and very emotional.  They are just trying to trash him because the blog is run by feminists and homocentrics.  Also, that YouTube video “The Unfunny Truth …” was posted by an ex-lover and is full of lies.  When The Prophet was practicing medicine he was accused of “hugging and trying to kiss” two patients.  Check the web site for the licensing body in Ontario.  Period.  He has no criminal record of any kind.  I asked him point blank when I first attended the group.  Don’t beleive everything you read.  He had the opportunity to reapply for his medical license 5 years after revocation but CHOSE not to because, as he told us in a Toronto Real Men meeting, “No one tells me who I can fuck.  NO ONE!”  Supposedly this is dicussed in the movie.  He teaches men to be non-violent and make peace with their “Inner Rapist”.  According to The Prophet all men are rapists at heart and would rape if there were no laws.  If you go to http://dimitrithelover.com then ,go to the section in the site titled “Courses By Dimitri”, then click on “Reboot Principle”, The Prophet explains about the “Inner Rapist”.

  8. Lori(K) says:

    Oh look, our little blog is all grown up now—-we’ve been thread-jacked by trolls.

  9. mike says:

    As a man, allow me to say that I am completely embarrassed by this jackass.

  10. molly_rose says:

    Real Man:
    telling men, possibly even brain-washing them, into believing that rape is acceptable???!!!!! This guy is done, as far as I’m concerned. I can’t see how he’ll make it far with statements like that. And by the way, why would you opt to believe what is coming out of this guy’s mouth rather than what is being written about him? Sure, some of that could be false, but of course he wouldn’t tell a paying client that he’d raped women. Then again, you’re obviously some promo dude, so of course you’d have a high opinion of him.

  11. Librariahn says:

    Hmmmm…if I was an author, I’d be taking notes for warped personality characteristics for my psycho villian character. Or for the Date From Hell that the heroine goes through so she appreciates the innate decency of her hero. Might be kind of fun to put a nutter like this in a historical…the possibilities are endless!

    Thank you, Real Man and Dimitri! It’s so hard to come up with dialogue for asshats…at this point, I’d normally wish you luck with your penis enlargement surgery, but it’s so gauche to make ‘tiny dick’ jokes to guys just because they won’t understand ‘tiny brain’ jokes…

  12. Casse says:

    What a total loser!  He sounds extremely desperate and doesn’t even know it.  Actually he sounds exactly like an ex of mine.  To the point of flashbacks lol I had to move and change my number.  And he thinks she may have psychotic issues how funny.

  13. The Sailor says:

    Umm, Did anyone else hear it as Dan Ackroyd’s voice in the ‘two sexy guys’ skit from SNL?

    Just me? OK.

    p.s. The dude who kept calling him a prophet needs to learn to spell, the term in this case is ‘profit.’

  14. Julianna says:

    That’s terrifying.  I share a metropolitan area with this guy?  I found the whole thing above so confusing that I read the links and now I’m unsettled.

  15. We Were All Fooled says:

    Word is just hitting the street that these “douchey voicemails” are just a VIRAL MARKETING hoax for a Hollywood documentary about “Dimitri The Lover” by some of the Borat/Bruno people.  Read this link …


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