Corpse Flower - The Giveaway!

Book CoverNo, I’m not actually giving away a corpse flower, though I’ve got four cats and an elderly dog, not to mention two boys under 4, so I’ve got no shortage of stanky options, should you desire odoriferous prizes.

But this here is not at ALL a stinky giveaway. Lauren Willig’s new book, The Temptation of the Night Jasmine debuted at #19 on the New York Times Bestseller list this week, and she and her publisher have offered a rather spiffy prize to celebrate.

Book CoverFour lucky readers will win a hardcover copy of The Temptation of the Night Jasmine. One lucky winner will win the grand prize: a complete set of all five books in the Pink Carnation series.

All you have to do is come up with the #1 Most Rejected Title for Willig’s next book. The first book was titled The Secret History of the Pink Carnation. The second: The Masque of the Black Tulip.  The naming scheme continues for the rest of the series.

Rejected titles should follow the format, and be as hilariously bad as possible. My suggestions: “Suspicion of the Swamp Blossom” or “Defection of the Coffin Flower.” “Gravitas of the Poison Sumac.” Or, if Willig makes the jump to historical erotica, “The Lotus Blossom’s Lotus Blossom.”

Comments are live for 24 hours – so ready, set, and grab your corpse blossom. Winners will be announced Friday 6 February.

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  1. BethanyA says:

    The Willing Restraint of the Ramping Fumitory
    The I-Can’t-Believe-He-Never-Called Sheer Nerve of the Bastard Toadflax
    The Suggestive Stroking of the Lady-of-The-Night
    The Kids-Are-At-My-Mother’s Glee of the Go-To-Bed-At-Noon
    The Unexpected Appearance of the Pinus Ponderosa
    The Wonderous Waft of the Cheese Bush

  2. Cori says:

    Oh, I never do these things but I couldn’t resist!

    The Web of the Spider Plant
    The Lure of Venus’ Flytrap
    The Waxen Indian Pipe (this one takes place in the Colonies)

  3. Susan says:

    The androgyny of the ananas nanas
    The anonymity of the ananas comosus.

  4. Dorilys says:

    The Discovery of the Stink Rose
    The Deflowering of the Red Orchid

  5. Danny says:

    The Cynicism of the Jaundiced Taraxacum, says I

  6. Eunice says:

    Okay, one more and I’m done. Ready?

    The Tiptoeing of the Tulips

    *boo* *hiss*

  7. Tamara says:

    The Disappointment of the Wormwood.

  8. Leslie H says:

    The Seduction of Betty Prior

    (Betty Prior is a pink rose from the 1030’s)

    Secretion of the Passion Flower

    (Passiflora coccinea and yes they really do.)

    Security word “Method69”  Lol

  9. Estelle Chauvelin says:

    The Secret of the Stinkhorn Fungus

    As a bonus, the scientific name of the Stinkhorn Fungus is Phallus Impudicus.

  10. Karen says:

    The Deflowering of the Tulipe Vierge.

    The Spanking of the Amorphophallus Titanium
    (real flower name that’s Latin for shapeless-penis huge) teehee!

    The Lashing of the Devil’s Tongue
    (another name for the lovely Amorphophallus Titanium)

    The Prick of the Thistle

    The Blowing of the Trumpet Flower

    The Shackling of the Red Cockscomb

  11. Jessica Sturm says:

    The Perplexity of the Apoplectic Peony

    The Rumo(u)r of the Rancid Rosebud

    The Traffic Ticket of the Terrific Tigerlily

    The Irritation of the Imaginative Ivy

    The Reproduction of the Redoubtable Rhododendron

    The Halitosis of the Hanging Hydrangea

    The Necrophilia of the Nervous Narcissus

  12. Jessica Sturm says:

    OK, thought of some more:

    The Ganglia of the Gleeful Gladiolus

    The Deception of the Dastardly Daffodil (or Dandelion)

    The Vengeance of the Vexing Violet

    The License of the Lying Lilac

    (I’m having office hours and I’m bored, can you tell?)

  13. Maya M. says:

    These are so great!  How will Ms. Willig possibly choose between traffic tickest & halitosis, androgyny & tiptoeing, etc. etc. etc.

    In the face of so much creativity and with zero floral knowledge I can safely give up all hope and just be silly. I would dearly love to read a story entitled:

    The Secret Pink History of the Black Masque which deceived the Emerald into Crimson Seduction by means of Nocturnal Temptation of a Generic Blade of Grass

  14. Kalen Hughes says:

    Ya’ll are killing me. I’m not playing, but man am I amused. Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!

  15. Elizabeth Wadsworth says:

    OK, just a few more:

    The Passing of the Passiflora
    The Serious Moonlight of the Night-Blooming Cereus
    The Defrocking of Jack-In-The-Pulpit

  16. Maureen says:

    The Adoration of the Almighty Aloe
    The Wonderfulness of Wormwood
    The Perfection of the Prickly Cactus

  17. Lovecow2000 says:

    The Schadenfreude of the Narcissus
    The Eruption of the Poison Sumac
    The Lesion of the Leprous Lily
    The Paradox of the Pussy-Willow

    I love Lauren’s books and have been a fan since the Secret History of the Pink Carnation came out.  🙂 Yay!  February is shaping up to be a great month for reading.

  18. AngelB says:

    Catching Up with the Mustard Seed
    The Relishing of the Yellow Mustard

  19. Meredith A says:

    Oh this is the sort of game I can get into!  I love the other suggestions above!

    The Corpulence of the Tuberrose
    The Temulence of the Oregon Grape
    The Turpitude of the Woody Nightshade
    The Rashness of the Poison Oak

  20. megalith says:

    The Lure of the Stink Weed

    BTW, love Willig’s series. I’m so happy to know she’s got a new one out.

  21. The Depantsing of the African Moon
    The Cramps of the Bleeding Heartwine aka Where the F is my Vicodin?
    You Chrysanthemum, You Brought Him
    The Torrent of the Golden Shower
    The Wood of the Morning Glory

  22. megalith says:

    You know, I’m not sure stinkweed blossoms, so how about this:

    The Paradox of the Pansy

  23. megalith says:

    Okay, last one:

    The Infiltration of the Impatiens

  24. joykenn says:

    The hanging of the witch hazel

    The ringing of coral bells

    The lighting of the torch lily

    The mystery of the maltese cross

    The dawn of Ozark sundrops

    And YES these are all actual flowering plants.

  25. Nikki says:

    The illegitimate tendencies of the Bastard Toadflax

  26. Mari Miller-Lamb says:

    “The Conundrum of the Cock-Like Crocus”
    “The Vexation of the Vaginal Violet.”
    The Vexing of the Virgin Violet
    The Conundrum of the Concupiscent Calla-Lillies.”

  27. Erin Hosley says:

    Okay, here are my lame attempts…

    Gingerly Following the Dastardly Deeds of the Wild Ginger.
    The Capture(Rapture) of the Wandering Blue Lobelia.
    The Crenelation of the Purple Coneflower.
    The Tempering of the Fiery Firethorn.
    The Entanglement of the Blue Monkey Flower.
    The Plucking of the Twined Barberry.
    Scaling the Ramparts of the Guarded Barrenwort.

  28. Lucinda Betts says:

    The Itching of the Poison Ivy

  29. Lucinda Betts says:

    The Penetration of the Purple Plumaria

  30. Janis says:

    The Titillating Tale of the Tenacious Tea Olive

  31. Kaetrin says:

    The Stupendous Stamina of the Shepherd’s Scabious Stamen.

    (There apparently really is a flower called the Shepherd’s Scabious (Jasione laevis)… go figure!

  32. Marie says:

    The Deflowering of the Passionate Peony
    The Lingering Desire of Honeysuckle
    The Secret Seduction of the Scarlet Pimpernel
    The Romancing of the Dewy Rosebud

  33. eaeaea says:

    The Self-pollination of the Ghost Orchid
    The Climax of the Jewel Orchid

    Love orchids…!

  34. Elizabeth Wadsworth says:

    And since nobody has said it, I guess I’ll have to:

    In ur Aster, savin ur life!

  35. Linda says:

    The Haunting of the Deadly Nightshade

    The Pulchritudinous Pleasure of the Phaelenopsis

    The Swooning of the Sea Pink

    The Hot-Fleshed Fancies of the Calla Lily

    ooh, this is fun!

  36. Catherine says:

    The cat’s paw of the kangaroo paw

    The sniggering of the snakeweed

    The posterior placement of the pineapple

    The virile vengeance of the vinca vine

  37. Ahlison says:

    Betrayal of the Bastard Toadflax

    Intertwining of the Hairy Beardtongue and Broad Dock

    Sting of the Viper’s Bugloss

  38. jude says:

    The Seizing of the Bindweed

  39. faith says:

    How about “The Defiant Gesture of the Devilish Daffodil” or “The Dastardly Affair of the Artful Amaryllis” or “The Perfection of the Perfunctory Poinsettia” or “The Case of the Deceptive Dogwood.” Not sure if that last one is a tree or a flower (not to mention how it sounds like the title of a Nancy Drew book), but then again that could make it all the more fun for spies. I could go on but these are getting quite bad.

  40. Mandi says:

    Seducing the Snap Dragon

    The Beating of my Bleeding Heart

    Deception and My Love-Lies-Bleeding

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