SB Sarah is excessively diverted

Want to see something adorably excellent? Pride & Prejudice told through Facebook updates.

[Thanks to Janice G. for the link.]


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. MaryKate says:

    MaryKate finds herself excessively diverted too.


  2. Oh, I am in raptures!! (Thanks so much for linking this. 🙂

  3. Yumiko says:

    Yumiko is positively overcome with hilarity

    Read P&P;over the summer for AP English.  This just made my entire day.  Absolutly hilarious, shipping it to a former english teacher xDD

  4. KimberlyD says:

    That is so full of win!

  5. SusannaG says:


    My favorite has to be:

    “Elizabeth Bennett thought that the pigs were got into the garden, but it was only Lady Catherine and her daughter.”

  6. Bwahaha!

    Having actually just recently given in and joined Facebook myself (I’m Angela Korra’ti if any of you fine ladies would like to say hi), as well as a longstanding fan of P&P;(especially the A&E;version, because seriously, nobody glowers like Colin Firth playing Darcy), I am deeply, deeply amused. ^_^

  7. EJ McKenna says:

    Lydia Bennet and Kitty Bennet joined the group 1,000,000 Strong Against the Officers Leaving Meryton!

    This is gorgeous!

  8. Lindsey says:

    Oh, awesome! The original Hamlet one is really good too:

  9. Janice G. is full of awesome.[g]

  10. samq says:

    Samq thinks that was extremely funny.  And joins the group 1,000,000 for more Facebook novel adaptations.

  11. eaeaea says:

    Janice G. is full of awesome.[g]

    Agreed! Thanks for making my day – fave book summarised in 21st century-speak.

  12. chrocs says:

    The 1 in

    Lydia Bennet is going to Brighton with Colonel & Mrs. Forster!!!!1!

    is a nice touch.

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