Alpha Males and Heroines Dressed Like Them

Book Cover Oh, the email inbox, it overfloweth with various things that are worth your inspection. Whee!

A graphic novel about women daring to dress as men and infiltrating male-only groups—based on legend, poems, letters and true stories?! Holy comic of awesome, Batgirl! (Thanks to Linsey Schmidt for the link.)

If you were wondering if your recent erotic romance might be considered for the Nobel in literature, and you’re an American writer, you’re shit out of luck. Why?

the top member of the award jury believes the United States is too insular and ignorant to compete with Europe when it comes to great writing….

Speaking generally about American literature, however, he said U.S. writers are “too sensitive to trends in their own mass culture,” dragging down the quality of their work.

“The U.S. is too isolated, too insular. They don’t translate enough and don’t really participate in the big dialogue of literature,” Engdahl said. “That ignorance is restraining.”

Dear Mr. Engdahl: I’m sure you’ll think I’m being isolated, insular and ignorant when I say this, but you suck wookie ass. I got your big dialogue right here.

And speaking of fresh, steamy wtf-ery, Teddy Pig send this article by India Knight from this weekend’s Times Online, regarding the alpha male and … well, um, yeah.

I’ve read it twice and I still can’t tie together the points Knight is making, except to furrow my brow some more and say, “Wait,” and then try to read it again. Somewhere in there confidence, asshattery, and sexism are being tossed together into a WTF salad and I can’t put my finger on the radicchio.


The Link-O-Lator

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