Sebastian’s… Airborne?

Thanks to Angie for the link – click on “Who is Sebastian?” on this page, and look carefully at his crotch at the end while he’s holding the hawk.

The leather sandals man, woo.

(note: please be advised, from your friendly neighborhood Smart Bitch and her merry midwife for her two pregnancies, that Airborne, while awesome, contains a very large dose of Vitamin A. If you are pregnant, it may not be a good idea, capice?)


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Gwynnyd says:

    I think that the flat, rectangular thing-ey blowing in the wind at the end is actually his belt.  Suggestive as hell, mind you, but only suggestive and definitely an image worthy of cover snark.

  2. Jules Jones says:

    MY reaction? “OMG it’s Galaxy Quest for romance!” Loving, funny parody by someone who *gets* it.

  3. Teddypig says:

    Meanwhile, can anyone give me directions to this enchanted land, somewhere between Desire and Heartbreak?


  4. Cat Marsters says:

    The Groosalug from Angel….

    Oh yes, he so is!

    Loved this.  Very funny (and can he bring me some, please?).  Think my favourite part was the look on the sprinkler-owner’s face.  “Dude, don’t you own a shower?”

  5. Sandra D says:

    You know how they bring the cover models to the conferences? Sebastian totally needs an invite, he looks like he doesn’t take it too seriously.

  6. rebyj says:

    The way people took a step back when he approached was hilarious. What PR agency decided body alopecia was sexy?  Maybe he was just too young to have gone thru puberty

  7. Brilliant!  Someone finally gets it!  I especially liked the “Where’s Sebastian?” option.

  8. Poohba says:

    Meanwhile, can anyone give me directions to this enchanted land, somewhere between Desire and Heartbreak?


    I am a Michigander, and I absolutely cracked up when I read that. 

    Yep, pretty much.

  9. Wryhag says:

    A pug-nosed punk who continually affects a red-lipped pout and plays the Pan pipes for stuffed squirrels?

    Okay . . . wet, maybe.

  10. EJ McKenna says:

    That mullet!

  11. Kristie(J) says:

    It must not have been working right the first time I tried it but it was this time.  I think it’s hilarious!!
    (doing his romance novel workout – now that is Very Funny)
    I’m still not sure what I was supposed to in the hawk one though.

  12. Tibbles says:

    Good grief!  A really catchy commercial, but couldn’t they have a picked a guy who doesn’t look like he just stepped out of a high school weight room.  Granted, I don’t like men to be overly hair, furry, whatever, but a little hair would have been nice.  A guy should not have more hair on his head and less on his legs than I do!

  13. Barbara says:

    OMG—the squirrel pushed it over the top…(and made up for the bangs)


  14. Theresa Meyers says:

    My eyes…the mullet. OMG. They so need to have this at the RT convention…everyone should get Airborne…

    And if you haven’t clicked on the link on the side on where’s he at with your sample, I suggest clicking on the little picture where he’s holding the bow and arrow.  The “Romance Novel Hero” workout is snortworthy.

    Ok, beyond the fact that it is amusement at romance’s expense, the ad agency should win an award.

  15. Harlequin says:

    I *love* it. Wonderful! Cheered up my crappy Monday in a crappy week in a crappy month! 🙂

  16. harthad says:

    That is brilliant, kudos to the ad agency. Speaking of looking carefully at crotches, when I saw the main page, I thought: Egad, there’s a nekkid guy on horseback! It’s just that one picture, but it looks oddly as if his manly faux-fur loincloth was photo-shopped out and replaced with, er, well, chaste blankness. Or is it just me?

    My security word: man82

  17. Esri Rose says:

    OMG, so funny. LOVE the romance-hero workout!!!

  18. Samantha says:

    What a great ad. I saw it on TV this weekend and was laughing so hard I scared my cat!

    I ordered my free sample just in case…;)

  19. Cat Marsters says:

    There’s the deltoids of compassion, there’s the abs of being kind,

    Sorry.  Captain Hammer moment.

  20. Harlequin says:

    Cat, could you clear something up for me? What *exactly* is the Hammer? 😀

  21. Ahh, Sebastian! Although your slo-mo field running cannot touch Daniel Day Lewis (who, thankfully, disdained the bangs) in Last of the Mohicans—although the armband *is* a nice touch.

    Come, frolic in my sprinkler with me and together we can explore the wonders of immune-boosting effervescents!

    Actually, I’ve been a long-time Airborne user and I swear by it—no man titty necessary to convince this girl~ though I’ll take the perk.

    Room64—I’ll take a room full of 64 Romance Novel Heroes, but only if I have my trusty Airborne to shield me from any unwanted, uh, germs.

  22. >>the Hammer<<

    Harlequin, thanks for making me laugh out loud.  Now I’ve got that whole scene fresh in my mind again.

  23. Cat Marsters says:

    What *exactly* is the Hammer?

    Why, his fists *innocent blink*

  24. Harlequin says:

    Somehow, I remain unfooled by your innocent blinking…

  25. Hyacinths says:

    Oh, man…this made me flash back to the Brawny “Innocent Escapes” videos with the oh-so-hilariously-sensitive Brawny man. Here’s one immortalized on YouTube:

  26. mirain says:

    When the link first opened I thought Sebastian was one of those he-man type action figures.

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