The Winners of the First Henley Bodice Prize!

The first place winner of the Henley Bodice Prize is AnimeJune for her entry:

Lady Eleanor Wadsworth-Pennington had always thought she’d understood her mother when she said, “Beware the rakes, they cause only pain and misery!” until she finally stepped on one and the stout wooden handle swooped up and smacked her on the face, breaking her nose and causing her to curse the lazy but irrepressible gardener Louis in a most unladylike manner.

The second place winner of the Henley Bodice Prize is Carrie Lofty, for her entry:

Thrusting and thrusting again into the gasping blonde groupie sprawled across a hot pink Naugahyde loveseat, Leo “Nasty” Houston’s member was like a hard-working mole digging its winter shelter: its snout slick and hairless, blind to all but its instinctual purpose, and intensely fond of warm, dark, welcoming warrens.

And third place goes to Elizabeth Wadsworth, for her entry:

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any single Vampire Lord newly arrived from Transylvania with a wad of cash and several wooden boxes of dubious function, must be in want not only of prime London real estate but several nubile females upon whom to slake his insatiable bloodlust.

Email me (sarah @, please, with your contact info to claim your prizes – thanks!

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  1. Jessica says:

    These are so wonderfully dreadful I feel like I need a shower after reading them, especially the second place winner, which has—erm—burrowed to a place in my psyche from which I will likely never, ever be able to extract it.  😉

  2. Esri Rose says:

    Congratulations!! They’re really good.

  3. *snort*

    these truly are teh awesome.  wtg winners!

  4. Carrie Lofty says:

    Jessica, that’s the heretofore unknown curse of the mole penis. Thx for the nod, everyone.

  5. Claudia says:

    Too funny. The first reads like a Julia Quinn.

  6. eaeaea says:

    Congratulations winners!
    Some truly awesome pieces of woeful writing.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. AnimeJune says:

    SB Sarah – I e-mailed you with my contact info a couple of times and haven’t heard back. Normally I wouldn’t bother you, but I do know that my e-mail has been on the fritz lately and a couple of people I correspond with have been having trouble receiving my e-mails so I thought I would check.

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