Behold: It’s All Free. Glom Away!

Tor publishing, celebrating the whizz-bang woo-dads of its new website (nice job, folks, and congrats on making it through the redesign) is giving away all the novels it offered the last few weeks in one big gift, now through 27 July. Glom hard, glom often folks.

And don’t forget, all the gorgeous art-tastic wall paper is up there, too, including Mr. Super Man-Titty. Hope he’s taller than me and nearby next time it’s raining.

Thanks to Malin for the headsup.


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Chrissy says:

    That was all saturated in the awesomeness.

  2. SonomaLass says:

    OMG squeeeeeeee!!!!

    I had six of these and that was bitchin’—I had no idea there were so many I had missed.  I have thoroughly enjoyed each of these that I have already read, and I have gotten hooked (or re-hooked) on three series already.

    Free e-books worked for me!!

  3. J.E. Mitch says:

    This is AWESOME—except for the fact that Through Wolf’s Eyes, the only one of those that I really want as an e-book, isn’t loading for me. Darn!

  4. GrowlyCub says:

    Thanks for the reminder. I had downloaded most of them, but fell
    behind a few weeks ago.

    What I really want to know, though, is what happened with their
    giveaway?  I thought all folks that signed up before a certain date
    were supposed to have been entered in an electronic gadget
    giveaway. I forgot what gadget it was, just that I wanted it! 🙂

    Did they ever announce who won that?

  5. Silver James says:

    Wow! There are some great books there. And I know one of the interns at Tor who got the chance to help with the update on the site. I’ll pass along the kudos in case she misses them here. (Doubtful, since she’s the one who introduced me to Bitches. :D)

  6. SonomaLass says:

    Also, if you like sci-fi and fantasy, don’t miss the free Eos books from Harper Collins.

    Get one here.

  7. ev says:

    Guess I have my work cut out for me. I wonder if hubby will let me borrow his sony ereader???

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